Event Registration:

About Ross & Mary Hunt

Ross Hunt is the Managing Partner of RMH Advisors, a Registered Investment Advisor. Ross, along with his wife, Mary, together own Ross & Mary Hunt, Inc., a financial implementation firm. Ross is also a registered principal with LPL Financial.

For 33+ years, Ross has specialized in all financial aspects of Retirement Planning – specifically in IRA’s, 401(k)’s, Pension Plans and Social Security Benefit Maximization. As a fee-based, independent financial advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, he has devoted his entire professional career to helping individual investors and their families realize their investment and financial goals.

He and Mary have built their advisory business by combining a sound asset class investing methodology with holistic financial planning and first-class client service.

Jargon-free and plain talk for all investors—experienced, beginner, and everyone in between—Ross distills the process into five straightforward decisions that can lead to safe and sound ways to manage your money.

Topics to be Discussed:

  • How to pinpoint the best time for YOU to start collecting your Social Security benefits.
  • Inflation protection to help you keep up with rising living expenses during retirement.
  • Start, Stop, Start – how one maneuver supercharges the survivor benefit.
  • How can you apply for a Delayed Retirement Credit?
  • How it can pay to delay – but is a higher benefit at a later age worth the wait?